
Chapters 1 & 2

Chapter 1: In the Beginning

The beginning or our story is not the beginning of the story.  When heaven and earth came into existence God was already there! Every story ever written or read, ever lived or told is only part of a larger overarching story. It’s the big story that all other stories fit into. It’s the story of love and it’s an eternal story. We didn’t create the love story, but it is within this love story that God created us. When our story begins God was already here! When we frame our reality in the smaller stories we come to messed up conclusions.

Study Guide

Chapter 2: God Created

In the opening line of Scripture we find God.  He is creating.  And it is all about love!

Why did God say, “let there be light”? LOVE!

Love is both the motivation and the intention of creation! It is an expression of love and love is the purpose for it!

Study Guide


In the opening line of Scripture we find God.  He is creating.  And it is all about love!

“Love, the basis of creation and redemption, is the basis of true education.”

Ellen White, Education, page 15


Why did God say, “let there be light”? LOVE!

Read Genesis 1:1 and 1 John 4:8. What significance is there in knowing that love created?

Listen to the tone behind the creation of humanity.  Genesis 1:26 says, “let us make man in our image”.

We were created with a “let us”, not an “oops”.


Our Origin is in God’s Desire! We are not a need! We are a want! (Acts 17:24-25, Rev. 4:11)

God was pleased with His creation!  He saw that “it was very good” (Genesis 1:31).

How does it shape your view of self to know that your origin is in the desire of God?


In the image of God we have the capacity to love. God made us male and female. Like God, we experience unity in plurality (Gen. 1:27; 2:18; 24-25).

How does it shape your view of self to know that are created in the image of God?

No matter how deep we probe into the motives of God, we will never arrive at a layer which is not love.”

John Piper,


Not only is love the motivation for creation, it is also the intention for it!

Read Genesis 1:26-2:3. What evidence do you see that love is both God’s motivation to create and His intention for His creation?

Matthew 22:37-38

love the Lord your God with all your heart                                                     

…love your neighbor as yourself

Love is not just a good character trait, it is what we are designed for!

We were created to love God (Col. 1:16; John 17:3).

We were created to love others. God did not intend for man to be alone (Gen. 2:18). In fact, God intended man to be intimate and unashamed (Gen. 2:24-25). Love for God requires love for others (1 John 4:20-21).

Read Matthew 22:37-38, Genesis 2:24-25 and 1 John 4:20-21

How does it help you make sense of your story to know that you were created for love?

Why is it impossible to separate love for God and love for others?

You are invited to come alive as you embrace the purpose for which you were created! Live in this story!

Beyond all the poor examples of “love” that have shaped you, you have an origin and an identity in perfect love!