Sent for the Kingdom

In the kingdom of heaven, the unemployment rate is 0%. Every citizen of the kingdom is sent out by the king to live a life of mission for the kingdom. Jesus used four animals to symbolize the mission of the kingdom.


The sheep is a symbol of the call to be dependent.

Notice the sheep-like dependence described in Matthew 10:1-12.

It is our shepherd who calls us and gives us power. Sheep are not self-made, but are dependent upon the shepherd. Everything they have is given to them. Their mode of life is to freely receive and freely give.


The wolf is a symbol of the call to be vulnerable. Sheep are vulnerable. They are not known for being vicious but soft and fluffy. Jesus is the one who chooses to send us out as sheep, knowing that we would be among wolves. He has intentionally called us to vulnerability.

Listen to how Jesus describes it in Matthew 10:17-26.

Jesus sends us out as sheep among wolves. It sounds like a bad plan. But since it is God’s plan, we know it is not a mistake. When we are attacked we should not conclude that God is failing us but exactly the opposite.


The serpent is a symbol of the call to be wise.

Yes, we are vulnerable sheep. Yes, we are sent among wolves. But we are wise. Our willingness to endure persecution for the sake of Christ is not a sign of stupidity but the strength that comes in surrender. 

The work that requires the greatest mind power is not rocket science, it is kingdom ministry.


The sheep is a symbol of the call to be dependent.

A guiding principle in our mission for God is to be pure in our love for him.

Every citizen of the kingdom is sent by God for the kingdom. Be dependent like a sheep. Expect to be vulnerable like a sheep among wolves. Be wise like a serpent. Be pure like a dove.