
Discussion Questions: Acts 2:1-41

What would it have been like to witness the events of that Pentecost?

What do you think, is there a difference between having the Spirit in you and being baptized by the Spirit? Explain.

Have you been baptized by the Holy Spirit? Explain.

Why do you think God chose such dramatic signs (wind, fire, languages) to mark the arrival of the Holy Spirit?

What is your understanding of the spiritual gift of tongues?

What significance do you see in the crowd hearing the disciples speak in their own languages?

Why is Peter’s focus on Jesus’ death, resurrection, and exaltation essential to his sermon?

Why do you think the crowd was “cut to the heart” after Peter’s message? Have you ever been cut to the heart by the Holy Spirit? Explain.

What does Peter’s call to repent and be baptized (Acts 2:38) reveal about how people should respond to the gospel?

What lessons can we learn from the fact that 3,000 people were added to the church that day?

How can you create space in your life to experience the power of the Holy Spirit?

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