Acts 1:12-23

Discussion Questions: Acts 1:12-25

What is your experience waiting for the Lord?

How do you envision the experience of the upper room prayer time?

How has Jesus said “no” to you, or how do you think He might be saying “no” right now?

How do you keep yourself focused on the promises of the Father? 

How do you struggle to keep His promises in view?

How do you understand the difference between what the disciples were before the outpouring of the Spirit and what they were after?

How do you feel that you are (or our church is) receiving and/or missing the power of the Spirit?

What are the substitutes we find for the power of the Spirit?

How might regular connection with believers help you (personally) wait on the Lord more fruitfully?

What is your current prayer experience like? 

What would you like it to be like?

How could you be more diligent in posturing yourself to grow as you wait on the Lord?

Link to the full series!