
Chapters 9 & 10

CHAPTER 9: A Community of Love

The Church was God’s idea! He established the Church!  Why?  Why not just take His people home? He has a love reason for the Church!

The church exists to be a community that experiences and expresses God’s love!

CHAPTER 10: Remaining in Love

God has called His Church to remain in His love. (John 15:9) But we struggle to do that! (Revelation 2:4) In fact, there is a war against love. (Revelation 12:17) The devil is doing all he can to pull God’s people out of a love relationship.

In love, God has warned us of the agenda to pull us out of love and He has warned of the judgment against it.  And, in love, God has told us exactly how to remain in His love! (Revelation 14:12)

Further study on Spiritual Babylon

Hope Awakens Presentation