Prayers From Babylon

The human experience is one of exile (Hebrews 11:13). This world is not our home. The book of Daniel tells a story of exile that serves as an insightful mini-narrative of the general human condition of exile. The problems and prayers from Babylon give insight into our exile experience.

Exile Insights from Chapter 2

The first prayer is mentioned in Daniel 2:17-18. Daniel told his friends about a serious problem, the king was ready to kill them and all the wisemen of Babylon if they did not tell him what he dreamed and give him the interpretation.

Problem Insight #1- Our exile makes impossible demands.

We know what it feels like. What is expected of us is more than can be done. Our responsibilities pull us in too many directions. We are faced with moral impossibilities, things we technically could do, but not without violating our moral convictions. There are problems we can’t solve. We simply don’t have the skill, wisdom, energy resources or information.

What is the danger?

The impossible demand can drive us to bad places. We try to cope, resist, or escape in destructive ways. We get overwhelmed. We give up. We live defeated. We don’t solve the problem.

Prayer Insight #1– God is able and he gives us the ability we need.

Daniel and his friends asked God to reveal to them the wisdom they lacked (v23). God did it (v19). Daniel prayed another prayer, this one of praise to a God who has wisdom (v20) and who shared that wisdom with his people (v23).

Exile Insights from Chapter 4

Nebuchadnezzar had another dream. The interpretation of this one said that he would live like a wild animal for 7 years to learn that God is the supreme ruler and not him. He continued in pride and lost his kingdom (v29-33).

Problem Insight #2 – Our exile is infected with a love of the glory of the world.

What is the danger?

Our exile can hijack our affections for God. Pride and materialism are a constant threat to our wellbeing. Babylon relentlessly promotes it’s glory to gain our worship (Revelation 13). The pitfalls are the love of the world and the pride of live (1 John 2:15). 

Prayer Insight #2- Focusing of God’s Glory puts everything else into its proper place.

There are three important steps in verse 34, 1. He lifted up his eye to heaven, 2. His reason returned, and 3. He blessed the most high. 

He didn’t start by praising God’s glory, only by looking at it. Looking at it brought back reason and then he praised it. We fight against the attack of earthly glory by focusing on a greater glory. We attack pride through the worship of God.

Exile Insights from Chapter 6

When the Persian rulers took over Babylon. Daniel was promoted. Others in the government looked for fault in Daniel but the only way they could get Daniel to do something wrong was to legally force him against the law of God.

Problem Insight #3- Our Exile uses religious persecution to take down the faithful.

What is the danger?

We could give in. We could hide. We stress. We petition. We protest. We get really possessive about our rights. And we let it all distract us from faithfulness.

Prayer Insight #3 – Staying faithful is more important that staying alive. 

Verse 10 is loaded with insight.

Daniel opened his window toward Jerusalem. Open your window toward heaven. Incorporate tangible practices to orient yourself toward your true homeland.

Daniel was not ignorant of the decree but “when Daniel knew” his first response was to pray. The mandates made the prayer more necessary.

This was a practice “he had done previously”. Daniel had made faithfulness to God part of his life. Don’t wait for the government to tell you can’t worship to start worshipping. Now is the time to build your life around spiritual practices that will keep you grounded in persecution.

Daniel “gave thanks”. Instead of stressing about the lions’ den, Daniel praised God. If everything else fails and your life is threatened one thing is still true, God is worthy of worship. 

There are much worse things than dying, losing all we have, or being thrown into lions’ dens. The enemy can’t change God’s love for us, but he can attack our love for God. When we stay faithful, we keep intact the love relationship that matters for eternity.

Exile Insights from Chapter 9

Daniel realized that his exile was predicted to last for 70 years (v2).

Problem Insight #4- The Exile is Long

What is the danger?

When things get long, we get sleepy. It can be tough to keep your eyes open on long road trips.  The length of the exile can cause us to become content here.  We risk settling into a lukewarm spirituality. We risk letting the oil run out of the lamps while the bridegroom tarries.  We risk that we will make Babylon our home.

Prayer Insight #4 – Combat spiritual sleepiness with urgent prayer for spiritual awakening!

A summary of the super rich prayer in Daniel 9…

Desperation– There was a desperation both in the content and in the posture of this prayer.

Verse 3 Then I turned my face to the Lord God, seeking him by prayer and pleas for mercy with fasting and sackcloth and ashes.

Confession– Daniel made confession (v4) and he got specific. He confessed that they had sinned by not listening to God, rebelling against him, not obeying him, and that to them belonged open shame.

Clinging to God’s goodness– The prayer addresses God as the one who keeps covenant. To him belongs righteousness, mercy and forgiveness.

Seeking grace based on God’s goodness- Daniel makes his requestion “according to all your [God’s] righteous acts” (v16) and “because of your [God’s] great mercy” (v18).

What do you associate with the words “home” and “exile”? Exile reminds us that there are some large problems. Home reminds us that the God we pray to will bring us through them all.